IMG_2475The animal care section of Tibet Charity successfully concluded the mass rabies vaccination program for the stray dogs in and around Dharamsala.

The mass vaccination program for stray dogs concluded one day after World Rabies Day which was celebrated on 28th September 2015.

Like every year, the staff of our Animal Care Section assisted by our home nurses went from village to village, street to street and house to house trying to locate dogs and vaccinating them. As many of these dogs have spent some time in the past with our staff at the clinic for treatments or animal birth control prog
ram, catching most of them has not been such a difficult task. Some of them not only came to them but followed them even after receiving their vaccination. The team was happy that they could vaccinate some dogs that escaped them last year.

Though we hoped to vaccinate at least 1500 dogs, the dog population in the region has dropped down considerably. This year, we did not cover those areas that were covered by Dharamsala Animal Rescue.IMG_2520

We are very grateful to Brigitte Bardot Fondation France for kindly funding this program for the last nine years. Thanks to their support and our initiative, Rabies has become unheard of in the region
since 2007.

We thank our vet team and our home nurses for continuously going around on foot for 10 days in the hot sun vaccinating these dogs.

We thank Mr. Tsering Gyaltsen, our ex-staff, for volunteering to help us for the whole 10 days. We thank animal lovers at various places for helping us in locating dogs, catching them and offering us refreshment at times.

The details of dogs vaccinated at different places are as follows (excluding the pet dogs vaccinated at Tibet Charity):

Date Place Number of dogs vaccinated
29/09/2015 McLeod Ganj 67
30/09/2015 McLeod Ganj 52
01/10/2015 Bhagsu Nath 63
02/10/2015 Tushita & Dharamkot area 67
03/10/2015 Forsyth Ganj, TCV area 113
04/10/2015 Library & Mentseekhang area 95
05/10/2015 Norbulingka & Sidhbari area 126
06/10/2015 Lower TCV, TTS, Sarah & Gopalpur 87
07/10/2015 Shugseb, Jamyang Choeling &
08/10/2015 Lower Dharamsala 34
T O T A L: 732