
“I loved working with the Tibetans’, said Dr. Milli during her farewell speech.

A simple farewell party was organised by the staff of Tibet Charity to bid good bye to Dr. Milli K Swali. She worked with us as a regular vet since 6th March 2015.

During the time of her stay here, she has conducted a few hundred sterilisation of dogs and has taken part in many Animal Birth Control camps at various places including the one at Paonta Sahib where more than 200 dogs were sterilised and more number of dogs were vaccinated against rabies. She has shown very good skill in her work.

We have found her extremely affectionate towards the animals. Sometimes we find her sleeping with the dogs in the recovery room so that they can be kept warm after an operation.

She is also responsible for keeping our well-wishers updated with the activities at our Animal care Section through our facebook page.


Dr. Milli at work during the camp at Paonta Sahib

Thanks to her, we have come into contact with people who are equally fond of dogs and who has supported us in our initiative to serve the street dogs in the region. Ms Ingrid Smolders from Holland has enabled us to keep her as a vet for almost two years. Without her support, we would not have afforded to keep her as our vet. Ingrid has also been very supportive in meeting some of the requirements in the clinic. We also thank Bronwen from VBB who actually encouraged Dr. Milli to work for us after she left Ladakh Animal Care Centre.


Dr. Milli speaking about rabies to the Tibetan students at Paonta Sahib

Though her service will be sorely missed and though the dogs in the region will deeply miss her love and affection, we understand her family obligation, after recent marriage, that makes her leave us.

Her dedication towards her duty can be gauged from the fact that she wants to continue being with us till we complete the mass anti-rabies vaccination program for the dogs. She will be spend the next ten day as a volunteer with us.

We thank her profusely for the time she spent with us and for the extreme love and affection she showed towards the sick animals.

We wish her all the best in her future endeavor. We hope she will continue to serve animals in need!