A volunteer sharing his experience with the students

A simple closing ceremony marked the end of Tibet Charity language classes for the year 2016. The closing function was attended by the students, staff, and volunteers of Tibet Charity.

The coordinator of the education section began the closing function by thanking the volunteers for sparing their precious time and money in order to provide quality language education to the students of Tibet Charity who were mostly new comers from Tibet. She thanked the students for showing exemplary discipline and respect to the teachers.

The volunteers then took turns to share their experience with the students. They all praised the students for their dedication towards their studies. They all were of the opinion that they have learned much more than what they have taught during the course of their stay with the students.


A student expressing his gratitude to the volunteers

Two student representatives also spoke highly of Tibet Charity and the volunteer teachers. They said they all admired the dedication of the volunteers and efficiency of Tibet Charity in running the language classes.

The Director too thanked the volunteers and the students and wished them all Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. He announced some of the changes that will be made from next year which included closure of Upper Intermediate Classes and shortening of the duration of each academic session from  four and half month to three month session.

During the function meritorious students were awarded with special prizes by their teachers. The Director offered memento and ‘khata’, traditional Tibetan scarf to the volunteers.

The function concluded with a group photo and a tea party.

The language classes shall restart from 6th March 2017 and registration for the new session shall begin from 15th February 2017.


One of the students receiving a prize for outstanding achievement in the class