Most venerable Lakha Rinpoche, the founder and Chairman of Tibet Charity, visited Dharamsala from 30th October till 8th November with a group of visitors from Denmark, Sweden and England. Mrs. Pia Lakha la also accompanied Rinpcohe on the trip.
During the period of their stay here, they visited Tibetan Children’s Village where they were received by the General Secretary of TCV Schools who briefed the group about the history of the school and educational programs. Many from the group decided to take up sponsorship cases of some children who are mostly new comers from Tibet.
They also visited Old People’s Home at Dharamsala. The group joined the elders during their Morning Prayer session. At the end of the prayers, Rinpoche gave a short speech to the elders emphasizing on the need to lead a meaningful last years of one’s life for the benefit of all sentient beings. He requested the younger staff of OPH to treat the elders with love and respect. The group then went around OPH meeting the elders and observing their way of living.
The group was given a talk on Tibetan medicines by a Tibetan medical doctor of Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute (TMAI). TMAI also invited the group for a lunch.
The speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile took time out of his highly busy schedule to meet the group and explain the history and nature of Tibetan Democracy in exile especially in the context of the renunciation of all political power by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He also took some time to answer questions posed to him by the members of the group.
The group also paid a visit to Tibet Charity where they were warmly received by the staff and the students of Tibet Charity. Rinpoche gave a short talk to the students with emphasis on the need to understand one’s role as a Tibetan in exile and the need to follow the directions of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Director briefed the group about the various programs initiated by Tibet Charity for the benefit of the poor and needy Tibetans.
Rinpoche also got the opportunity to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama in His residence.