A new session of Tibet Charity English language and computer classes begin with a simple opening program on 11th March 2014. More than 60 students attended the program despite very bad weather.


During the function, Ms Rinzin Wangmo, the coordinator of TC Education Section welcomed the volunteers from various parts of the world who have come all the way to share their valuable knowledge with the students of Tibet Charity, who are mostly new comers from Tibet.

The Director read out the rules governing Tibet Charity Education Section. He advised the students to make the best use of the time they spend here with us learning English and computer. He requested the students to take active participation during the group discussions in the class and also let the teacher know whenever they don’t understand the matter being taught. He requested them not to indulge in anything that will disturb the learning atmosphere in the class.

He thanked the volunteers for coming here to teach the students of Tibet Charity who are mostly new comers from Tibet. As these students have never been to any school back in Tibet, whatever little knowledge they gain here at Tibet Charity Education Section is their first introduction to any kind of formal learning. So volunteers are going to play a very important role in the lives of these students.

The volunteers then introduced themselves and they all expressed their joy for getting this opportunity to teach the students here.

We thank Tibet Charity Denmark and Tibet Charity Sweden for their continuous support in enabling us to run these classes. This year will be the 10th year of our service to the Tibetan community in the field of education.

The strengths of the classes are as under:

English Classes:

S. No.  Classes  Strength  Teachers
 1.  Beginners  25  Ms Rinzin Wangmo
 2.  Elementary  22  Ms Diantha Gowens
 3.  Pre-Intermediate  25  Ms Liz Franklin
 4.  Intermediate  19
 5.  Upper Intermediate  10  Ms Margaret Coghlan
 TOTAL  101

Computer Classes:

 S. No.  Classes  Strength  Teacher
 1.  Basic/Intermediate  07  Ms Tsering Wangmo