World Rabies Day Celebrated

Tibet Charity celebrated World Rabies Day on 28th September 2015. To mark the 9th World Rabies Day celebration at Tibet Charity, simple Rabies awareness function was organized at Tibet Charity house. Mrs. B. Tsering la, a member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and presently Principal of Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Tibetan Education was the Chief Guest

World Hepatitis Day Observed

People registering for screening 28/07/2015: Tibet Charity observed World Hepatitis Day on 28th July 2015 along with the international community world over. This is the fourth time we have observed the occasion. To mark the day, free hepatitis B screening was done for the public. 126 people came for screening out of which

World Blood Donors Day celebrated

Along with the international community, Tibet Charity too celebrated World Blood Donors on 16th June 2014 (delayed by two days). Dr. Rangjung Dolma from Delek Hospital was invited as Chief Guest on the occasion. Tibet Charity celebrates this day every year to create awareness among the public on the importance of donating blood to save

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