On the joyous occasion of India’s Independence Day (15th Aug 2020), We went to the slum village to donate clothes and new shoes to 85 Slum children. We also donated clothes to 50 Maharashtrian migrant families of the slum village. We thank Execushield Inc, USA for providing financial support to purchase new clothes and shoes for the slum children. We also thank our kind and generous local donors for donating clothes to the slum residents. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Tonglen for helping us in the distribution.

Earlier, we went to distribute rations to the slum residents on HH The 14th Dalai Lama’s Birthday. We realised that many children were out in the ground without proper clothes. Some may have shirt but no pants to wear and vice versa. We thought to provide them some clothes to cover their body from harsh weather in Himachal Pradesh. Since all are migrant workers who have no financial source to fulfill their basic needs. Hence, we decided to initiate a cloth donation day to the sum resident on 15th Aug 2020 (India’s Independence Day).

On 26th July 2020, We went to the slum village and took a measurement of almost 85 slum children. We took their measurement basis their shirt and pant size along with their shoe size. We also took the age data of all the children. We thank Execushield Inc, USA for providing financial support for purchasing new clothes and new shoes for the slum children.

We also thank our kind and generous local donors for donating their clothes and shoes for the slum residents. They graciously provided us with all the good quality clothes and shoes which the slum children can wear for many years ahead.

We haven’t distributed winter clothes yet as they do no have storage facility. We will distribute winter clothes few days ahead of the cold winter season.