On seeing the massive demand from the public, we had to organise one more camp on 11th August 2013. On that day we checked 186 people out of which 20 were found to be Hep B positive. So in total we checked 544 people out of which 56 were Hep B positive which means 10.2% of the people we checked had Hep B virus..

To coincide with the World Hepatitis Day on 28th July 2013, the Health Care Section of Tibet Charity organized free Hepatitis B screening camp at Tibet Charity with kind support from Khana Lab and Clinic, Dharamsala.


Hepatitis B is a major cause of death among the Tibetans yet the awareness related to the disease is far from satisfactory. Many people are unaware of its causes and effects. This lack of knowledge regarding the disease is leading to more casual approach towards the disease because of which more and more people are likely to get effected if concerted effort is not made to educate the public regarding disease.

So Tibet Charity approached Khana Lab and Clinic to conduct free screening camp so that the public may be encouraged to come for check up. Those coming for checkups were given leaflets containing information related to the disease.

In total 358 people were checked on the day and 36 people were found to be carrying the virus. Those whose test showed negative were advised to go for vaccinations in consultation with their doctors. Those who were found to be carrying the disease were given further checkups and necessary advises were given according to the findings of the report.

Tibet Charity wishes to thank Dr. Khana in particular and its entire staff for spending the whole day here with us in screening the public and using their equipments and facilities for doing the tests at no cost whatsoever.

We take this opportunity to urge the public to be more aware of the disease and take all necessary precautions to avoid the spread of disease.