Tibet Charity bids sad farewell to Ms Rinzin Wangmo who is leaving for Australia with her family.
She has joined us in February 2008 as an English teacher to teach the newcomers from Tibet who were just beginning to learn the basics of English language. After the departure of our erstwhile coordinator of the Education Section Mr. Jigme la, she took over the extra responsibility as the Coordinator of the Section as well.
As a teacher, her method of teaching has been highly appreciated by the students. Her excellent method of teaching along with her supportive and caring nature has won her many admirers among the students. Many students who have now completed their whole English language courses owe their success to her.
As the Coordinator, she has always been very prompt in arranging volunteer teachers for each academic session well in advance. She is also very prompt in answering any queries that our volunteers might have had before joining us. She is very helpful in receiving the volunteers when they reach her and finding proper accommodation for them. She ensures that each student is accommodated in the right level of class on the basis of the entrance test that she sets. She has been the main person behind the success and smooth functioning of our Education Section.
As a staff she has been excellent with the way she deals with her colleagues. She has always been a very dedicated, sincere and hardworking member of Tibet Charity.
A simple farewell function was held to bid farewell to her where the Director and other volunteers present expressed their gratitude to her for all the good work she did while she was here. She too expressed her thanks to Tibet Charity for providing her with the wonderful opportunity of serving the Tibetan community thereby gaining precious experience in life. She said that she has always felt that Tibet Charity has been her second family.
Though we would all miss her service and presence, we nevertheless wish her all the best in all her future endeavor. We wish her and her family all the best in their new home in Australia.