The Director sharing the dais with other awardees
Mr. Sudhir Sharma, the honourable Urban Development Minister, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh awarded a special trophy to Tibet Charity for its outstanding performance in Social Works at the 28th All India Shaheed Durga Mal Dal Bahadur Memorial Gold Cup tournament. The Director, Mr. Tsering Thundup la received the trophy on behalf of Tibet Charity.
The organizers while reading out the citation showered high appreciation of Tibet Charity’s socially beneficial activities in the fields of health, education, social and animal welfare programs. The citation read, “Tibet Charity within a short period of time has made remarkable contribution in the fields of social work. Their social development and home nursing program has brought tremendous benefit to the sick, poor and old. Blood donation initiative has saved many lives and Animal Welfare programs have brought relief to the lives of innocent animals. While language and OBE classes have given new hope to those who have never been to school, their scholarship program has enabled many to pursue a career of their choice. In recognition of their highly commendable initiatives, we have pleasure and pride in presenting the Trophy for Outstanding Performance in Social Work 2016 to Tibet Charity”.
We have also been nominated for Jewel of India Award by International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi whose recipients in the past included who’s who of India. Whether we win the award or not, being nominated out of countless NGOs in India in itself is a big achievement.
Cultural performance at the award function
Such recognition of our good work speaks volumes about the differences we succeeded in making in the lives of disadvantaged people as well as the animals. Though nothing brings us more joy than seeing smiles on the faces of people we support or dogs following our staff as they walk through the streets, these recognitions also go a long way in boosting the morale of our staff and supporters – not that they needed one!
So on this occasion, I wish to thank each and every one of you who have travelled with us during our journey to serve others, irrespective of the length of your journey with us. As every small pebble plays its part in the construction of a house, every contribution each one of you has made has its share in the successes we have had in our effort to serve the less fortunate ones. So we dedicate this award to each one of you.
First and foremost, we must thank most venerable Lakha Rinpoche, the other founding members and all other members of Tibet Charity in Denmark who came up with the novel idea of setting up Tibet Charity to serve the Tibetan community in exile. Without their hard work, Tibet Charity might never have come into form. They have given all of us the platform to work for the benefit of others.
Shri Sudhir Sharma, honourable Minister for Urban Development, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh
We thank Brigitte Bardot Foundation France, Tibet Charity Sweden, Save Tibet Austria, Grainnes d’Avenir France and others who all have supported some of our programs in full or parts.
We thank all individual sponsors whose contribution is no less in our endeavor to help others.
We thank all our volunteers, both teachers and veterinarians, who have come from different parts of the world to be of some service to the community here.
We thank all our staff, past and present, for rendering dedicated and sincere service to the poor, sick and needy. You all have been the lifeline of our success.
Last but not the least, we thank all the beneficiaries of our programs for allowing us the joy of serving you.
Congratulation and thanks to all!!!
The Director presenting Tibet Charity magazine to the honourable minister