Tibet Charity Clinic For Dogs completed 10 days mass anti rabies vaccination program for dogs in and around Dharamsala starting from the 28th September, which is World Rabies Day. We succeeded in vaccinated 971 dogs.
Team of five staff consisting of a vet and a female vet assistant, the walked from street to street looking for dogs and vaccinating each and every dog they came across. Many a times, catching street dogs and vaccinating them can prove to be a dangerous tasks. This year one of our staff got bitten on the nose be a seemingly friendly puppy.
We are also happy to have receive support from locals in locating and catching dogs. We must specifically mention the staff and the students of TCV Gopalpur who have got all the dogs in one place before we reached there. We wish to thank them especially.
The number of dogs vaccinated this year are as under:
1. Tibet Charity (pet dogs): 62 dogs
2. Temple Road area : 98 dogs
3. McLeod Ganj: 87 dogs
4. Bhagsu Nath: 83 dogs
5. TIPA/ Dharamkot: 63 dogs
6. TCV/Naddi/Forsythganj: 165 dogs
7. Gangkyi/TMAI/Ghamroo: 176 dogs
8. Norbulingka/Sidhbari: 92 dogs
9. Lower TCV/TTS/Sarah:. 55 dogs
10. TCV Gopalpur: 60 dogs
11. Lower Dharamsala: 34 dogs
Total: 971 dogs
We are very grateful to Brigitte Bardot Foundation France for sponsoring this mass vaccination program.
We thank WVS England for donating the Fiproclear spray for removal of fleas and ticks.