Every year our generous sponsors sent us money for their adopted elder parents in India under our sponsorship program. These elder parents are the ones who do not have a family of their own and hence surviving alone with out any financial support. Tibet Charity brings those sponsors closer to our poor elders, who have no-one to take care of them. They become closer to the family and willingly support such elder as their grandparents and helps them to lead a more meaningful life. We pay our adopted elder parents in 4 installments each year. Each installment contains 3 months of sponsorship money.

The payment of first installment of sponsorship money was done in the first week of July.  Those who were able to come to the office were given checks. Those who were unable to come to office, were paid their sponsorship money at the place of their residence by our home nurses. We give them their sponsorship money once every three months. We are extremely grateful to all our sponsors for their continued support.